Coach Afra

Afra believes that by following a specific diet and progressive training plan, you can develop a love for fitness and healthy habits to become the best version of yourself. Her training and experience allow her to train clients with a broad range of health conditions and performance training goals.
She’s passionate and knowledgeable about physical fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle changes so she can help her clients to perform the best of their abilities to become a better you.

I specialize in

Sports Injury Rehabilitation | Beginner/Advanced Strength Training | Body Transformation | Glute Relocation Programming | Posture Enhancement | Weight Management and Fat Loss | Muscle Building and Toning | Sport Nutrition | Core Training | Kettlebell Movement | HIIT Training 

Trainer qualifications

Certified Personal Trainer Level 3 (REPS) | Sport Injuries and Post Rehabilitation Certified | Pre and Post natal Certified | Certified Sports Nutrition | Group Exercise Leader Instructor | Certified Zumba® instructor | Certified Zumba® Kids & Kids Jr. instructor | Certified SYNC STRONG Nation instructor | First Aid and CPR Certified

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